Nolen Gurer Payesh Recipe | Traditional Bengali Sweet Recipe | Khejur Gu...

Nolen Gurer Payesh Recipe | Traditional Bengali Sweet Recipe
Winter comes with holiday mood and various food items. Nolen gur is one of the winter spacial. It is a traditional Bengali sweet .Nolen gur is made only in winter from date palm sap. Its been boiled until it get syrup like consistency. it has a goldenish brown color and unique sweet taste. in this video we show you a very populer traditional Bengali sweet recipe made of nolen gur that is nolen gurer payesh.

50 gm Gobindovog Rice 50 gm Sugar 20 gm Crystallized sugar (michri) 20 gm Batasa 500 gm Milk 50 gm Powered milk 3-4 tsp Ghee 3-4 Cardamom 2 Bay leaves cashew nuts and raisin as much you want

1. Wash the rice properly.
2. Take a sauce / milk pan add ghee.
3. Add rice and saute for a while.
4. Add milk and boiled it.
5. Boiled the rice until it get soft.
6. After it get soft add crystallized sugar ( michri), batasa, sugar and nolen gur.
7. boiled it for a while and it will be ready.


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